Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech : History, Significance of 2 October

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Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech 2023: In this post we provide the speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti for everyone. Information about Mahatma Gandhi Birthday helps in school students and for college students and offices for speech on Gandhi Jayanti celebration on Second October every year.


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Jayanti is observe on 2 October on every year. On Second October nation gives honour to Mahatma Gandhi for his priceless contributions for India’s freedom struggle. Mahatama Gandhi is the Father of the Nation.

Kindly Read the Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Essay, history, significance of the Father of the Nation (Mahatama Gandhi Jayanti) that you can share to inspirit everyone.

Best Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Essay for Students

Also Read – Mahatma Gandhi Quotes Poster

Background / History of Gandhi Jayanti

Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader of India. He was a law graduate. He is the biggest follower of Jainism. Between 1888 and 1891, he stayed in London and promised himself to be a vegetarian.





When is Gandhi Jayanti? / Gandhi Jayanti 2023 in India

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on 2 October. This year (2023) Gandhi Jayanti will Monday, 2 October. Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech is to celebrate on every year to mark the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is known from many of the names – famously known as Mahatma Gandhi, the ‘Father of the Nation’, the ideologies, struggles and kindness of Gandhi drove India to its independence. The Mahatama Gandhi is one of the most major leaders of India. In independence movement the behind of nonviolent civil disobedience The Mahatma Gandhi.

This year 2023 the 154nd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The entire world comply this day as ‘Gandhi Jayanti’. It is a national holiday all over in the India to honour the famous leader without whom India wouldn’t have tasted independence. The United Nations also observe Gandhi Jayanti as ‘International Day of NonViolence’ every year.

The Gandhi played a main role in India’s freedom. The movement and his philosophy towards the Indian freedom have impacted people’s lives. Mahatma Gandhi’s non violence method inspired many civil rights movement in the world. He struggled to bring significant changes in Indian society.

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Who was Mahatma Gandhi? /Contributions of Mahatma Gandhi

The Gandhi Born on October 2, 1869 in Gujarat Porbandar. Mahatma Gandhi is considered as the nation’s prolong leader of independence movement. The Nation is always expressed his feelings about patriotism. India express feeling with his thoughts and ideologies to fight for freedom.

He guide towards India’s nonviolent movement against the colonial British empire. Mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa for study of law. He led campaigns for farmers and labourers, vocal about expanding women’s rights and fought against caste discrimination.

In 1930 Mahatma Gandhi led the Dandi Salt March. He was joined a movement which by many Indians to break the salt law. In 1942 he was forefront of the Quit India Movement. Their hands in the Britishers to move out of India. Gandhi was a mighty supporter against of truth and nonviolence. He left behind his valuable teachings that are still remembered which is valued by all age groups.

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Why is Gandhi Jayanti observed?

Gandhi Jayanti is comply to honour and value affluent tributes to the Father of the Nation and on his day. People remember his invaluable efforts to India’s freedom struggle and independence movement. In India Mahatma Gandhi’s path breaking theory of Ahimsa and Swaraj are observed across all the institutions.

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How is Gandhi Jayanti celebrated?/ How is Gandhi’s birthday celebrate

Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday in India and it is observed across all states and union territories. The day will be remarked by special prayers across the country. Celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti teachings celebrates every year. In schools, colleges and offices celebrate this day to tribute their contribution by all over the country. Different types of competitions are manage for students in flashback of Gandhi.

The best colleges and schools will be giving awards every year for their performances. A favorite bhajan of Gandhiji is Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram. Raghupati Raghava is sung by school and college students. Mahatma Gandhi statues are decorate with wreath and flowers in the nation. Painting and essay competitions is organize every year. The awards are distribute in schools and the community, on the themes of glorifying peace, non-violence and Gandhi’s effort in Indian Freedom Struggle.


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Gandhi Ashram

To motivate the countrymen and fight against British rule Gandhi travelled different parts of India. In 1951 he established an ashram in (Ahmedabad) Gujarat. The Ashram was common to all castes and religions. He spent a good amount of life in Gujarat’s ashram.


The following three places play a vital role in celebrating Gandhi Jayanti:

  1. On 30 January 1948 The Martyr’s Column is the place where Mahatma Gandhi was attack.
  2. On 31 January 1948 the Raj Ghat, the place where the body of Mahatma Gandhi was scald.
  3. The Triveni Sangam, the place where the river Ganga, the river Yamuna, and the river Saraswati join together.


What is the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in 2021?

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrate every year annually on 2nd October to celebrate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.


Is Gandhi birthday a national holiday?

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrate annually on 2nd October to celebrates the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. 2 October is observe as a public and bank holiday across the nation.


Activities can we do on Gandhi Jayanti

Activities for Children for the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi

  1. Dress up like Gandhi.
  2. Visit a museum.
  3. Introduce them to the charkha.
  4. Play a game about truth.
  5. Talk about the ‘Three Wise Monkeys’.
  6. Indulge in art and crafts.
  7. Take a lesson on cleanliness.


Lessons we can learn from Mahatma Gandhi

  • Live life to the fullest.
  • Always speak the truth.
  • Let the change begin with you.
  • Believe in love.
  • Please Think before you act.
  • Live to learn.
  • Be positive.
  • Learn to forgive.


Lessons from Mahatma Gandhi

Forgiveness is a trait of the strong, not the weak. Gandhi always taught people to forgive those who commit wrong and speak harshly. Young Indians can learn how to start forgiving people who do wrong and misbehave with you. Gandhi was a great proponent of simple food and discipline.


Gandhi’s four principles

  1. Truth
  2. Non violence
  3. Sarvodaya
  4. Satyagraha


Five (5) things we should learn from Mahatma Gandhi

  1. Non Violence.
  2. Forgiveness.
  3. Perseverance.
  4. Mindfulness.
  5. Truth and Honesty.


The qualities of Gandhi

  • Faith in self: “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”
  • Resistance & Persistence.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Learning from mistakes.
  • Strength of Character
  • Love, Don’t Resort to Hatred.
  • Truthfulness.
  • Living in the Present.


Most Famous Slogan of mahatma gandhi in hindi

करो या मरो !

आप वह बदलाव खुद बनिए

जो आप दूसरों में देखना चाहते हैं !


भारत छोड़ो !


खुशी तब होती है जब आप क्या सोचते हैं,

आप क्या कहते हैं, और आप क्या करते हैं,

सभी में सामंजस्य हो !


कानों का दुरुपयोग मन को

दूषित और अशांत करता है !


जहाँ प्रेम है वहां जीवन है !


मेहरबान दुसरो के न रहो


आत्मनिर्भर बनो खुश रहो !


ख़ुशी वही है जब आपकी सोच

आपके शब्द और आपके कर्मो में तालमेल हो !


भविष्य बनेगा तभी सुनहरा

जब अभी करोगे मेहनत पूरा !


ऐसे जिओ की तुम कल मरने वाले हों

सिखो इस तरह से की तुम्हे हमेशा जिन्दा रहना हैं !


दिल की कोई भाषा नहीं होती

दिल- दिल से बात करता है !


जीवन कुछ ऐसा जियो जैसे की तुम कल मरने वाले हो

कुछ ऐसे सीखो जैसे कि तुम हमेशा के लिए जीने वाले हो !


खुद में बदलाव करे दुनिया बदलने लग जायेगी !


कमज़ोर कभी माफ नहीं कर सकते

क्षमा ताकतवर की विशेषता है।


आँख के बदले में आँख पूरे

दुनिया को अँधा बना देगी !


पाप से घृणा करो

पापी से प्रेम करो !


पहले वे आपको अनदेखा करते हैं

तो वे आप पर हँसते हैं

फिर वे आपसे लड़ते हैं

फिर आप जीतते हैं !


जब आपका सामना किसी विरोधी से हो

तो उसे प्रेम से जीतें, अहिंसा से जीते !


सभी छुपे दोषों का उपाय ढूढना कठिन होता है!


मौन सबसे सशक्त भाषण है

धीरे धीरे दुनिया आपकी सुनेंगी !


आपको मानवता में विश्वास नहीं खोना चाहिए

मानवता एक महासागर है


यदि महासागर की कुछ बूंदें गंदी हैं

तो पूरा महासागर गंदा नहीं हो जाता !


Mahatma Gandhi Naare


सत्य बिना जन समर्थन के

भी खड़ा रहता है वह आत्मनिर्भर है !


देश मेरा है सबसे प्यारा

भारत देश सबसे न्यारा !


लम्बे भाषणों से अधिक मूल्यवान है

इंच भर कदम बढ़ाना !


खुद को खोजने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है

कि आप खुद को दूसरों की सेवा में लीन कर लें !


क्रोध एक प्रकार का क्षणिक पागलपन है !


किसी के गंदे पाँव को मैं

अपने मन से नहीं गुजरने दूंगा !


शक्ति शारीरिक क्षमता से नहीं आती है

यह एक अदम्य इच्छा शक्ति से आती है !


व्यक्ति अपने विचारों से निर्मित एक प्राणी है

वह जो सोचता है वही बन जाता है।


अपने आप को पाने का सही तरीका है

कि अपने को दूसरों की सेवा में लगा दो !


साफ़ -सफाई बहुत जरुरी

दूर कई मुसीबते हमारी !


मेरा जीवन मेरा सन्देश है।


केवल प्रसन्नता ही एकमात्र इत्र है

जिसे आप दुसरे पर छिड़के तो उसकी

कुछ बुँदे अवश्य ही आप पर भी पड़ती है !


स्वच्छता अभियान नारा बनाओ

स्वच्छ रहो स्वच्छता अपनाओ !


धर्म जाति का न हो भेद

मत रखो कोई मतभेद !


मेरा धर्म सत्य और अहिंसा पर आधारित है

सत्य मेरा भगवान है अहिंसा उसे पाने का साधन !


व्यक्ति कि पहचान उसके कपड़ो से नही

उसके चारित्र से आंकी जाती है !


काम करो बनो महान

बढोगे आगे होगी शान !


कर्म प्राथमिकताओं को व्यक्त करता है।


रहे देश हमारा सबसे आगे

दुश्मन तभी दूर है भागे !


किसी चीज में यकीन करना

और उसे ना जीना बेईमानी है।


जो चीज इंसान बदल नहीं सकता

उसके लिए बस प्रार्थना करनी चाहिए !


Mahatma Gandhi Slogan in Hindi


मुसीबत में निखर जाओ

मजबूत बनो सफल हो जाओ !


राष्ट्रीय व्यवहार में हिन्दी को काम में

लाना देश की उन्नति के लिए आवश्यक है।


सत्य कभी ऐसे कारण को

क्षति नहीं पहुंचाता जो उचित हो !


विचार आपके जीवन बनाये

अच्छे विचार आगे बढाये !


प्रार्थना, नम्रता की पुकार है आत्म शुद्धि का,

और आत्म-अवलोकन का आवाहन है !


सुखी जीवन का है

नियम स्वस्थ रहने का करो प्रयत्न !


गलतियो को भूल जाए

अच्छे गुणों पर नजर दौड़ाये !


किसी की मेहरबानी मांगना

अपनी आजादी बेचना है।


क्रूरता का उत्तर, क्रूरता से

देने का अर्थ अपने नैतिक व बौद्धिक

पतन को स्वीकार करना है !


विश्वास करना एक गुण है

अविश्वास दुर्बलता की जननी है !


सौम्य तरीके से आप दुनिया

को हिला सकते हैं !


गर्व लक्ष्य को पाने के लिए किये गए

प्रयत्न में निहित है ना कि उसे पाने में।


जो भी चाहे अपनी अंतरात्मा की आवाज़

सुन सकता है वह सबके भीतर है।


प्रेम दुनिया का सबसे मजबूत बल है !


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